Athion is illumati. I figured it out. Don't believe me? I'll prove it: ----- There are three vowels in "Athion". There are three sides to the illumati triangle. Coincidence? I think not. There is one i in "Athion". There is also one eye in the illuminati triangle. Again, too convenient to be legit. If you look at the athion logo you will see not one.. not two.. but three triangles. ----- Not enough proof for you? I'll prove all the owners as illumati as well. ----- iRapp has one I in it, just as the illuminati triangle has one eye. He also has 5 letters in his name, and 2 vowels. What is 5-2? 3. There are 3 sides to the triangle. iRapp also likes to build structures. The illuminati triangle is a structure. iRapp is illuminati confirmed. ----- Moviemaker2 has 5 vowels in it and the number 2 at the end. What is 5-2? you guessed it, 3. There are three illuminati triangle sides. Moviemaker2 also has one i in it, and the illuminati triangle has one eye as well. Moviemaker2 is illuminati as well. ----- Xenzu has 3 of his name letters in the last 7 letters of the alphabet. What is 3+7? 10. Hold that thought - The name Xenzu also has 5 letters and 2 of them are vowels. What is 5+2? 7, correct. Now, going back to earlier, we are left with these two numbers - 10 and 7. What is 10-7? 3. There are three sides to the illuminati triangle. Xenzu is illuminati confirmed. ----- sycoinc has one i in it. You know the drill by now. He also has 7 letters in his name. What is a common number to pair with 7? Correct, 3, because 7+3=10. There are three sides to the illuminati triangle. It also has 3 vowels, counting "y". All these 3's are making me nervous. As you can undoubtedly see; Sycoinc is illuminati confirmed. ----- This is obviously a substantial amount of evidence. Proving my point; Athion server and its pyramid of corruption is the evil organization known as the loominardee in some cultures. Athion r loominardi cunfermd. rekt 360 noscope mlg. -Ajoy
Check this out gentlemen, @HumanBeing101 @Reuben This is quite clearly undeniable evidence of "Athions" associations' with the Illuminati.
cough this isnt a religion discussion thread cough please only reply if you got something to actually post about the topic at hand lol
I'm with @HumanBeing101 on this one, his argument is an awful lot stronger, but maybe that's what the Illuminati want me to think....