Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great apprehension that we bring to you, the people, this public-service announcement: Swifthawk has been linked to the Illuminati! Sources tell us that Swifthawk's true name is actually SWIFTHAWK, which experts have informed us contains one letter "i", which (when pronounced correctly) sounds EXACTLY the same as the word "eye", which is a known symbol of the Illuminati. These sources have also informed us that the word "illuminati" contains two "l"s, which when compared to a capital "i" appears to be IDENTICAL. The two "l"s, plus a capital "i" from his name, equates to three similar shapes, three being the dominate numeral associated with this under-ground group. Coincidence? Probably, but UNLIKELY! Also, recent reports have confirmed that there are THREE of the aforementioned "i"s in Illuminati, a letter that has already been PROVEN to be present in Swifthawk's true name. This makes four "i"s in total. The name "swifthawk" contains two definitely unrelated, but no doubt GUILTY, words. These two, plus the four "i"s, equals six, which when divided by the two "l"s from earlier, equals THREE! This CANNOT be labeled as inconsistent evidence; the math PROVES it! Our anonymous sponsors also wish us to promote the founding of campaign against this wolf-in-sheep's-clothing, Swifthawk. His lying and scheming must be put to an end, if our community is to be safe. And if worst comes to worst; if falls to the Illuminati, then the word is soon to follow. DO NOT LET THEM WIN! DO NOT LET THIS COMMY-FA**IT-PINKO-BED-WETTER ENSLAVE YOUR FAMILIES! It is with great hopes that I, Swifthawk, journeyman reporter for the Public Service Offices Place, write to you, the good people of , in order to bring about the end of the schemer and traitor, Swifthawk. (This message has not been approved by the FDA, and is not supposed to treat or cure any Swifthawk-related issues, including but not limited to death, stroke, critical heart failure, and erections lasting longer than four hours) Wait a minute.....
I agree! We should make a stand against illuminating! Down with light bulbs and electricity, this age shall become dark!
wh-wha- what? no electricty?! i live on electronics man! and we need lightbulbs! i dont wanna live in the 17th century! i wanna be in the 21st century! o_O
Yay! Steampunk all the way!! Gaslanterns and fancy gears for everyone! Also: Zeppelins everywhere! Be gone, electricity!!
I don't know, I wouldn't mind living in a steam-punk world. Sure, steam-punk isn't my favorite style, but I've always dreamed of living in a simpler time...
We don't need them new fangled doohickies to have a nice life. Don't you long for a nice farm on a floating island powered by windmills and British gentleman with oversized monocles?