Looking for Ideas of what to put on our forums to create more interactivity within our new community along with ideas to integrate the website / forums into the future Athion Server. Vote and leave comments below ** Shoutbox added, see the top navigation **
* Live Chat is in the works, will / should be available within the next week or so once fully setup and tested.
1st The live chat will be Yay and 2nd Make the titles for the posts editable (eg. able to change collor, ect...)
I agree with liam Put like the widget to the side so we could just scroll down and see whats going on :3
Titles can be editable to an extent by admins and moderators of the forums. This is limited to the name of the title... There is support for colored titles in xenforo at this time Or click on the twitter bar to go to our twitter? lol.. i will look into some more social info form social profiles being displayed on the forums
That's the Live chat feature The main website will have this when its launched, like on Mith and PI old websites I made
Streams/Vidoes, Teamspeak and live chat are a must imo. Maybe, i doubt this is at all possible but its a cool idea, A select group of people can stream to the Athion homepage. So instead of streaming on twitch people can stream off of the Athion homepage
The plugin i'm looking into for this would make a section of verified users on the forums showing their streams when they are online streaming, streaming off anything else besides twitch or their alternates would be very very resource heavy and cost an assload
i think a live chat like most of the others said would be a great idea and as some said a live video but what i would like for that is to have some way to watch the stream off the forums like have its own little tab with the different people that are streaming. you click on the page and something similar to the forum page comes up but with the live video. and maybe somehow integrate the chats together. then again that might be more than its really worth at this time :P
Honestly I dont think the live chat has much point; we will be chatting ingame and livechat is barely used on any minecraft forums despite how great of an idea it is. However, streaming is a very good idea in my opinion, and we could have a lot of fun with that.
This is the general idea of how it will work It was used daily on PI until we slowly died down community wise.