The City of Kelaseum is the first of a line of projects from our new network, Athion. It was constructed over about a month, primarily by the builders iRapp, BassLegacy, iJonesy94, and Lightbane1900. It was our first project as a newly formed group, so while it took a while, we were very pleased with the turnout. We took a shot at just a generic medieval theme on the build, with iRapp and BassLegacy taking the reigns on the primary castle and layout, with iJonesy94 and Lightbane1900 constructing the majority of the town. We were lucky enough to have the lovely Lentebriesje assist us on the terraforming, making a custom world map for us for the project, as well as to be able to use Sillouete's beautiful ships. Just a bit of lore and stuff! The City of Kelaseum was originally just intended to be an island fortress for the kingdom of Synestra. However, shortly after colonizing the island and building the primary castle, the garrison stationed there realized the pure wealth surrounding them on the island in the form of bananas. A rare fruit in the northern regions that Synestra dominated, bananas were a rare delicacy, and worth a huge amount. With this discovery, people began to move to the island in flocks to harvest the fruit that could make them rich. First, the plantation owners and wealthier citizens moved in, in the shadow of the large castle. Over time, more and more flocked onto the island, spreading the town out all the way from the castle to the place that the valley reached the ocean, and a busy port was born. Now, the town is one of the busiest in the kingdom of Synestra, with a constant crowd of people packing the docks and marketplace. Its riches have made Synestra even greater than it once was, and even the royal family makes visits to the island quite often, staying in the rich upper housing of the great castle that was once just a simple outpost.
Thx for the screenshots Xenzu, cuz I couldn't appreciate the build with all the (what I found) annoying cinematography. The build is awsome though!
Our builds showcased are either made for a client or exist only on our server... of we offer a download of our builds they will be linked in the pmc post once available