Hey folks, my name's Lord Arrani, and I like to build in minecraft. (you don't say!) Anyways, I've been playing MC since 1.3.2, but have really only been a decent builder since last Autumn. While my favorite building style is medieval, I've recently been trying to get modern building under my belt(tips? :P). Additionally, I'm currently working on a free-roam adventure map called Eternity.(pictures below. Don't mean to advertise, but if anyone's interested, I could use some help.) Also, I'd like to think that I'm a decent redstoner and story writer.(or rather thinker-upper, seeing as I rarely write them down). As for more personal stuff, I'm still in high school(which steals my time like nothing else), have non-diagnosed ADD, and have a room full of legos.(What can I say, it was my childhood.) Anyways, looking forward to building with you guys once Athion's released! ;)
How do you do those awesome water particles at the bottom left? Also, great to have you here on Athion!
Ah, the fountain. That's done with a command block running a /particle on a repeater clock. It also makes noise, but there's no way to screenshot that.
Wow lord u just inspired me what a smart way to make a water feature that even moves and makes sound!