I may be the only one to think this but in an open world as it is says, anyone can tamper with one another plots which would cause massive conflict between players. I would say yes because, you know, more room to build, although it'll be like sort of a factions conflict. including the thought of claiming a land would overlap another plot making children argue. So i vote no because I'd rather plots so that each build would become limited thus causing the player to not over think before they are set free. The designers plot to me is well enough to be considered as an open world plot i mean look at it! Its like bloody 300 x 300! To me that's well enough. So my state in being by my vote, please, i don't recommend it.
.. I disagree with u. Plots are for beginers. Not for Expert builders, no matter what the size of the plot is.
Plots are limiting and simply a snapshot build. Having an open world allows for true builds and limitless creativity. Just my input on the matter....