So lately, I was just thinking of some events that happened on Pwegoserver, and started to get a little nostalgic. Heres some images I took before the server went down: (Lots of images xD) Images may look derpy, I was taking images fast Some people I miss and remember on this server (You may still be active on athion ^-^) Stamog Phillies Syphearatix Sycoinc MovieMaker2 Goldengrams D00msDay agoble Zachbora LiamcarsonCOYB Xcaliber287 uioz alaiwe Flambobear Spark1064? (Don't remember the letters) TheRJdude gravenfire45 Johan_tan imtylerharlow RockGeek Lakersreloaded MC774 Bladerunner77777 Dosycool Pandorum Pitfallingpat _No_Life_King_ flamingscotsman nic1010 SivertGN Llama118 alecrick16 sir_fluffingtons TrigaJoules 18blazer11 mr_marc oregton moonmarhall Pwego dtrain54 djmotive Sorry if I missed your name, could not remember anymore! D: Good ol' times...
I just miss Pwego-Insom in general. Building freely in a world with everyone of all the ranks right there close by was awesome. Also, wright, you forgot to add my name to your list :P
I'll be honest, I've only heard of Oregton here, sorry geekgrl xD Only time i've ever seen you is in your leaving thread :c