Now what good's a forum without an internet speed thread?!!? None!!! So, here's an internet speed test thread, where go can boast, or be embarrassed by your internet speeds. So, I'll start it off with a mediocre, average British speed of: If you do not know how to test your internet speed, click here and it'll take you to, where you can find out your internet speeds. So, test away! ~dord
I was this speed about 6 mths ago until I had to move in with my parents again due to no job... this is what Im stuck with due to the crappy cables on the street where they live..... :(
Yeah, over here in America we're starting to have Google fibre. It's about the same speed give or take a few Mbps. May even be over there I don't know though.
Don't let it fool you I'm lucky if I can connect to a damn thing. It's almost as bad as Comcast and there ip blocks.
Yeah a thing called the NBN but still using crappy cables offering average speeds of 90mb/s where copper cable hybrid system will work or 100-110 average if those areas, I was on 110mb/s on telstra cable at my old place :( i feel like im in the stone age again
The provider that I'm with currently is working on reinstalling all cables across the country (Belgium ain't that big) so we can get internet upwards of 1 Gb/s I don't believe it, but I certainly hope they can make that promise true.
Because it is well known that Maine is ranked the worst state in the U.S. for internet speeds, my neighborhood is discussing the possibility of a 1 gb fiber optic connection for just the homes inside it. Thank god