"YouAintString" did a bunch of Mithrintia vids, so you can check them out. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKgXNExkBmhL1a5l9VAFZ7g
I have never attempted to make a video before, but would defiantly be into it. I will run a few tests to see how my computer will run, and if it works well, I will begin to create content.
T0myvl0gs recorded a few videos on Mith. I'm going to boot "Plot tips and Inspiration" back up once Athion is up
Just to go with the trend, YouAintString, Ephecs, T0myVlogs and others have been active making videos within the Mithrintia Channel before. These guys make some great content and should really be checked out. And this is coming from an Internal Build Team member so hey, you can take my word for it if you haven't taken anyone elses, go check em out already, what are you waiting for???!!!! I can't think of anyone else at this stage though I would like to get into all this myself when I can.
Quite a few Mithrintia fellas here that make video I see. I've been making videos for quite a while now (1k subs); of pretty much stadiums... But I do have some other stuff too. These builds all link to the PI server... as that's where they were built :) I do hope to continue videos once Athion is open. Here is my channel.... https://www.youtube.com/user/DevonWut