well, It isn't to be shared on the forums. I didn't know him personally, and new members wont either. I thought maybe it was a joke since you posted it but I believed it in the slightest so it didn't offend you are him. He needs time, we don't want people coming on and seeing him if he does choose to come back "oh are you that guy that has -" and so on.
XD he's infamous for many other things already. Server-wise, movie promised him staff then never gave it to him partially cus he didn't want to give it partially cus Eviil didn't want it either. He was always mean to staff and other people and he was the greatest man to ever have graced the server ;) I can assure you anyone that is anew active user of the forums or even athion in general has heard of him in some-way shape or form mostly infamy. Only 40 or 30 people knew his story it may be worth sharing.
Fine I will but before I do so I would make my final remarks. 1. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? I'm getting my comment edited by staff without my permission 2. If you haven't yet realised I idolise the guy I find him one of the most important people I know yet staff and owners continue to neglect him and hate him. 3.This was intended to portray him in a way where people know what he does and who he is and is all public information. It's meant to remove some of the hate he already receives. I'm done now if you want to reply, reply but as you have very nicely asked me to drop the topic I will Speak no more of this. Back to anime ;)
learn the true meaning of freedom of speech. he seems like a great guy, but I can only know what I've heard. I finished watching corpse party, so much gore in 4 episodes..
I've been watching a lot more anime recently. I found that I quite enjoy all those sob story's that play with your heart. Like my 3 newest favourites are 1.Sakurasou no pet na kanoja(my fave) 2. Angel beats(close runner up) 3.Golden Time(still watching but will probs overtake Sakurasou even) I highly recommend both sakurasou and golden time if you want something to tug at your heart strings :P