Athion Official Build An Empire Contest Winners & Finalists!

Discussion in 'Official News & Announcements' started by sycoinc, Jul 17, 2015.

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  1. sycoinc

    sycoinc Athion Admin Athion Admin

    Aug 28, 2014
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    We are glad to announce that we have finished judging the Build an Empire Contest. We thank all who entered as we had 178 plots claimed with about 60% having some sort of building on them.

    We are glad to see that those that competed enjoyed the experience even though the plot size and the time frame may have been difficult for some as we were stress testing our system.

    Now down to the important part.. the top 10 and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements!

    1st - DarthRiot [Solo Build]
    DarthRiot had an amazingly detailed plot with a large area covered that worked well together and went well with our theme. For a solo build only over about 1.5 weeks working time as started later in the contest this stood out to us as a very outstanding job.
    2nd - Kevaasaurus with helpers chiverson, PanteLegacy
    Kevaasaurus' contest plot was full of amazing looking organics and some unique looking structures. It also used a large area of the contest plot and was very unique in its style,
    3rd - mjegs with helpers JLord23, ultor, dayvasdayv, _Pogg, applesauce888
    A great asian theme with big open areas of farmland and detailed terrain, some areas are not quite as detailed as the 1st and 2nd place but its overall completion and design along with its fluid layout bring this right into 3rd place.
    4th - Sjoerdoh with helpers Alice_
    5th - Aegos with helpers Cypher1025, Scylince, Nukespeeder, Bede_Alphon, goaltriper
    6th - Fanker453 with helpers pls_n0, _Ripper_Roo_,Zeebrah,DancerAngel22
    7th - shinezeo_siiji with helpers Kayszlo, boubs38, Gewalt_TheAppleSenpie Poseyidon
    8th - geckopirate with helpers KingDutchDwarf, Domstopher, SidewaysSlab, Brooklyn_
    9th - uioz with helpers RowdyArt, uniblast
    10th - NotRekinSupere with helpers Lana__Del__Rey, Crucxe, jdog4400, alaiwe, Hurbi

    The Prizes:

    1st Place will get a solo video of their build along with their build being featured on our Planet Minecraft Account (if you wish but with no download) with links back to your social media accounts. Along with this the 1st place will get a few shout outs from us over twitter to hopefully boost how well known you are!

    2nd & 3rd Place will get included in the top 3 video and also get some shout outs on our social network pages. We will also be making some renders of your builds and will be placing these images in a contest finalists post on planet minecraft at a later date

    4th - 10th Place will get included in a top 10 video thanking all entrants along with having some screenshots done of notable areas for our contest finalists planet minecraft post.

    Thanks again for all those who entered, hope to see you online for our next one that will be announced in the coming weeks!

    :athion main icon:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2015
  2. Hurbi

    Hurbi Athion Member Athion Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    next one: hippo migration herd across african landscape
    wrightrj likes this.
  3. Kevaasaurus

    Kevaasaurus Athion Build Team Athion Build Team

    Jun 9, 2015
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    great job everyone!
    wrightrj likes this.
  4. maximvoloinin

    maximvoloinin Athion Member Athion Member

    Dec 13, 2019
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    cool, really cool
    wrightrj likes this.

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