Separate names with a comma.
(): i hate gramme nazi's! time to wage WWIII of grammer war! :P
.......... whatevs
... i could list the reasons y ur build isnt 8/8 but ik ur just playing a haha joke on us so ill let this slide and take its course :P
nope i'd rate it 2/8 m8
@DahCreepah banned for being a second grammer nazi
nah its just a tiny dirt hut..
..... this is just a dirt hut, (nice troll btw) :P
two looks better cuz it doesnt have a floor of glowstone next to it.
atta boy terminator
@wyn1116 was banned for banning a fellow pwego-insomnia player
@dordsor21, @Shoes_Or_Sandals r banned cuz of banning me by not banning @gibaxd
obama pulled off his mask and it was goerge bush, then crashed his car into a ferrari full of girls then...
so i vote that we all stop the illuminate stuff! like if u second the motion and or agree!
@Swifthawk i ban for for being a grammer nazi!
@Swifthawk i ban u for banning me for question self banishment
uhh.. wut lol? oh and the rape and child abuse in oregon is false... and no im not illuiminate.. theres no such thing as the illuminati.
this illuminate stuff is going a bit too far...
grats syc
ok this illuminate stuff is getting a bit overboard.....