Introduction A Wild Jusser Has Appeared! My Story/intro.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Jusser, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. Jusser

    Jusser Athion Member Athion Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Yo. I'm Jusserhead (Jusser). I'm a 17 year old terraformer and fantasy/medieval builder.
    I plan on committing straight on as soon as Athion launches; here's why.

    When I started building, I had absolutely zero idea where to start. I thought that pixel art, redstone and rainbow coloured blocks were awesome!!!1!!!11!!one!?!! (seriously, that's how I talked. I regret it terribly; here's a screenshot if you want to gourge your eyes on something terrible). I took great pride in my work and, despite my extreme failures, always wanted to strive to make high quality maps.

    One weekend, I stumbled upon the Kingdom of the Sky adventure maps. I played through them and fell in love with building and the possibilities of the sandbox platform that is Minecraft. So, I decided to venture along and make my own world. Having no idea how servers worked, I installed the Worldedit mod, learned everything possible about the commands and got to working on my incredibly artistic project. I made a flat 250x250 square of grass, filled the entire thing with jungle saplings and got to work on my incredible map.

    Eventually, I came upon the point where I had to build houses for a city. I made one and realized "hey, I have no idea what I'm doing. Maybe I should try and learn to build properly . . . ". So I looked online for high level creative servers that made adventure maps and, thankfully, I found one that did such a thing. It was called Creative Temper.

    Their structure was very similar to most creative servers; make a plot of high standard, get promoted and help on server projects. So I made a plot which I thought was amazing (half of it was a full stonebrick castle with a creeper on the front and the other half was a garden with a moat . . . you get the picture, it was baaaddd). Some members on the server said it was terrible, which it was. Yet, some people believed in me enough to show me what was wrong and helped to teach me what I was doing wrong (what in the world is depth anyways?????). Not everything they taught me stuck with me, but a standard was set for building and I was given an opportunity to aspire to that.

    It wasn't without it's faults, however. Multiple times I had thought about quitting, but with the friendships I had created and the builds I had made on the line, I decided to stick with it (I naturally am very dedicated to things I believe in). So, I worked extremely hard and, with time, I learned concepts like structural depth, using color palettes, realism (and the right way to approach it). I eventually got promoted one tier up - FINALLY, and started helping with real projects.

    However, this server ended up going downhill as the staff were either a) Friendly and supportive but terrible builders, b) Amazing builders but terrible people to work with or c) Good, supportive builders that had a real life and as such were incredibly inactive. Because of this, players never stayed on for long and the server could not stay up for long. It shut down a few sad months later, and I was forced to find somewhere else to build collaboratively.

    So, long story short, I got into build teams and, over time, begun to learn more advanced building techniques and styles (shaping, organics, terraforming, negative space, theme, etc). I never would be where I am today if it were not for the builders that invested into me and believed that I could build great things, despite my building skills being terrible at the time. I am complete proof that anyone can learn and aspire to greatness, with time (even if it did take me at least 3-4 months).

    Unfortunately, I only found out that Mithrintia had offered building lessons many months after I had struggled to learn on my own. However, with me being forced to learn from scratch, I understand the concepts of building and can teach those to others (I can't stand people that just 'get it' and dont know what they're doing). I now often teach players how to build and improve their skills in an assuring way that doesn't instantly put players down. I'm hoping that with this new merge of a server, I can help continue to do that.

    Over the long time that I've been building for, it has always been for a specific server or team. Whether that was a plot in a creative server, a specific spawn for a hub server; even just helping out in general; it's always been only to one server. That, in itself, is perfectly fine, except for that most of the servers that I helped out on were very small and ultimately just not worth my time. Besides, even when I did help them, they were poorly run and so eventually the server would go down and my hard effort would go down the drain. Because of Mithrintia's successful track record, I plan on comitting because I know that my builds wont go to waste and, if worst comes to worst, I can request a download of whatever I make.

    Phew. Enough about me and my story. Here's some links of various build teams/projects I've been involved in.
    921Jack, Styx and TrigaJoules like this.
  2. sycoinc

    sycoinc Athion Admin Athion Admin

    Aug 28, 2014
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    Welcome to Athion
  3. Styx

    Styx Athion Member Athion Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Nice thread, welcome :)
  4. Gravenfire45

    Gravenfire45 Athion Member Athion Member

    Nov 4, 2014
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    welcome to the server with the strangest people you could imagine.

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