Heyo everybody! I'm Bob. I've been building for about a year and a half. I only re-joined Mith about a month before it closed down. I'm really ready, as many people are, for Athion to open. Looking forward to building with everybody. Big_Bad_Bob_Bo B4 Or just Bob
Bob. Can't wait to get restarted. Just telling everyone that Bob is a master of WE. See ya on Athion.
Haha, "Master of WE"? I think you may be embellishing a lot. But, thanks for the complement Gen. I'm looking forward to building with you guys again.
@YouAintString Heyo...im also excited to see what Im going go do on Athion :) Joking, but I am really looking forward to seeing how this server comes together. Sounds like you guys have gone about this the right way, and have really focused on putting together a quality product. See you in that Athion life