Introduction Well, Time To Introduce Myself

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Nufy709, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. Nufy709

    Nufy709 Athion Member Athion Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    Hello there my name is Nufy709, Nufy for short. A few of you may have seen me on the PLug DJ or TG-1, I am hoping to join Apprentice with the completion of my plot or build. A few things about myself, I joined Athion because my previous build team, Hyperion, had been dissolved by the hierarchical upper staff on the previous server that it was located on. Since then, I have joined here looking to join a community that loves to build and have fun. Hopefully this is the place for me.

    Second I am an avid lover of music so you will most likely see me on Plug Dj quite a bit. I mostly love all forms of Electro/House music, so that will dominate the majority of my playlist.

    Anyway, I hope this is a place I can stay.

    CEEL0 and Styx like this.
  2. Gravenfire45

    Gravenfire45 Athion Member Athion Member

    Nov 4, 2014
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    welcome to :athion main icon: ! we hope you will stay for years to come :D
    Nufy709 likes this.

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