Meet the team behind Athion

Chamunks is the Network’s Owner as of 2015 along with being the Lead Server Developer, and is “that guy” that runs the place!

Sycoinc is one of the founders of Athion & the Network’s Web Developer; taking care of all things site! He also helps craft ideas and additions to the Network!

MovehMakeh is one of the founders of Athion and just an all-around admin. He likes to help with any task given to him and always bounces back ideas.

Flamin is the Network’s development whizz, taking care of the backend, world5, our cross-server proxies, and too much to write!

Dordsor21 heads a lot of the day-to-day runnings of the server; ironing the bugs and rolling the features, as well as running the Creative Staff and Build Team!
© 2025 Athion Network