New Plugins & Features: Build Battles (beta): Battle it out against others on the server with a timed and themed building battle in one of two arenas. Head over to our build battle world (the sponge) from our compass and queue up to start a game. Online User Guide [coming soon] In Game Commands type /bb in Build Battle World Palette: Our New Palette Plugin gives you the ability to save a design or build you have made (such as a tree or car) so you can paste it around your build with a simple right click. To check out this plugin and its features please type /palette in game. The item used for copying to your own personal palette is the blaze rod Online User Guide [coming soon] Ingame Commands Type /palette in game to see commands and options. Plugin Updates: Build Battles (beta): Increased Build Battle arena size to 45 Added in temporary in game purchase of the Build Battle GUI tool Rebalanced rewards Tweaked teleportation Added `beta2` arena which has more interesting themes Permission Updates: Added /kit tools for all ranks that will give you the tools for w.e, voxelsniper and palette plugins. We have named these and added some lore to them! Added Biome generation too Apprentice: /plot generatebiome <biome> OR WITH WORLDEDIT //biomegen <biome> [height] [seed] Added misc essentials commands some are noted below; /seen /afk /god /ping /unstuck Added /plot kick Added /plot visit General Updates: Added AsyncWorldEdit Added Plot expiry for plots with < 20 blocks and > 14 days old [it needs to be 14 days old, and less than 20 blocks changed (total)] Fixed plot titles toggle: /plot toggle titles Future Additions / Preparations: Contest World - Coming Soon, very soon Setup Contest World (will be released soon) 1015 x 1015 plots with WE/VS + TEAM building Limited to 1 plot per player and 6 players per plot Download your plot as a world file using /plot web download world (limited to ONLY the contest world)
Is the expiration 20 blocks changed per 14 days or just change 20 blocks within your first 14 days and it's safe for good?
No if a plot is 14 days or older, and has less than 20 blocks on it it is marked for deletion. This will cover "***** and nazi sign or single word plots" that are not protected. 99.9% of you won't ever have this as an issue for ti being cleared
Yes all contests will be themed to better judge each contest so its a level playing field for all users to design around. We even have schematics imported into each plot so you all have the same terrain to work with when we want your projects to be build with specific land in mind.
Does the biome generation tool actually generate biome-specific terrain (:O), or just different grass colors?
Right now players can only use it in freebuild so they won't be able to submit generated terrain for review. As for whether it's biome specific, the command syntax above sort of implies that it is: For more information, see the plugin page: