Title pretty much says all. I get the feeling that most big changes to the server are discussed in secrecy among the admins with no way for the community to influence the development of new ideas. This isn't a big deal however, and is easily fixed by adding a "Planned Features" section to the forums, where all upcoming features are listed and described, and the community can discuss them in the comments below. -uioz
Assuming you are referring to open world, I'll address your concerns: Changes are discussed among the admins, you are correct about that, but it's definitely not a secret. To put this in perspective: - ZeroByte took over Athion several weeks ago - We trialed 3 plugins for open world (GreifPrevention, WorldGuard, PlotSquared) and chose to go with a wrapper around the WorldGuard API. - We let some players know that open world was planned and that we would be working on - We've had chats to people on the server, including you about open world, that fact that we have that at all means that it's not a secret - There have already been topics in the past on the forums about openworld to draw from - We have already put up a guide for the open world plugin for players to look at and give feedback if needed Clearly we are pretty bad at this secrecy thing. Of course there are ways to influence the development of new ideas; just make a thread on the forums about your idea. For example, based on suggestions we have: - Created the BuildBattle plugin - Added cross server teleportation - Made titles smaller and added a toggle option - Created the Palette plugin - Added VoxelSniper to plots + Various other things We are however fully capable of generating our own ideas based on what we think the players will enjoy. The update logs include some information about planned features. If you think we aren't providing much insight here, it's because we are slightly disorganized at the moment after taking ownership of the server. It's not like we actually have a grand plan for the server that we lay out for you.
We do have basic goals but my understanding about life and development, is that day to day things can tend to change fairly often and sometimes far sooner than we would like. So I try to keep ideas that are far down the pipeline and outside of our available dev time fairly flexible. This is due to many things like we have no idea how excited people are going to be about the new open world. The open world may at some point become extremely popular and may become our focus. I'm already being asked if I can do difficult things like trying to figure out how to rank people in groups. Which means we would have to create a builds guild plugin that can also have ranks.
Im not exactly sure what this build guilds thing is, but the idea of building guilds is an awesome one
I think there may be a misunderstanding of building together to rank and placing in a building team / clain like feature within the open world system.