Athion Official Delay On 'build A Empire' Videos

Discussion in 'Official News & Announcements' started by sycoinc, Aug 1, 2015.

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  1. sycoinc

    sycoinc Athion Admin Athion Admin

    Aug 28, 2014
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    There will be a delay on the release of the 'build an empire' videos due to issues with recording the worlds as some of the sections are unloading when I go to record.

    We will however be announcing a new contest shortly that will be themed to hopefully bring in some great creative works for everyone to explore.

    We will be giving more information out about this in the coming week.

    :athion main icon:
  2. Greg Cubitt

    Greg Cubitt Athion Member Athion Member

    Jul 8, 2015
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    I really can't wait for this next contest. I joined Athion right when the first contest ended and also saw that DarthRiot went from student to BTintern with his awesome single contest plot, congrats to him! I'm just hoping the next theme will be something I'm good at....
    TrigaJoules and Styx like this.

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