Latest News
Latest Server News
Plugin Updates:
Athion Reviews:
- Athion Reviews has had a major revamp, with some awesome new features!
- Along with the main ranking tree (Student through GrandCreator) we've now released OST (organics, structure and terrain) mastery ranks!
- Mastery ranks have 6 tiers. Level 0 to level 5. Request an OST review using /review request organics|structure|terrain
- Private reviews are now linked with the forums! If you're signed up to the forums, and your account is associated you can talk directly with the Staff about your review via the forums, helping you to understand your review, and how to improve!
- Decided you want don't want to get reviewed after submitting? You can /review remove to remove your review from the queue now!
- You can also request public reviews via the forums, where the community can comment and help improve your builds! Just use /review public and follow the instructions to get informal tips and suggestions from the communtiy!
- You can start conversations on the forums from in-game; use /forumdm <player> to start up a message with any registered player!
- Use /bugreport to report any bugs you find to the forums, where our Admins can easily gain all information needed to get a fix ASAP!
- Use /register <email> <username> to register to the forums from in game, and automatically associate forum and Minecraft accounts to gain all the benefits!
- Chat just got a whole lot more exciting!
- Hover over usernames when on TrainingGrounds to view people's OST ranks and...
Important Information
Current Status Of The Server
Hey guys, just a little update here. Unfortunately the server is completely down for tonight, and we will have it back up tomorrow morning. Edit: The server is online again. Don't worry though, your builds and everything are safe. We are just experiencing some minor back-end issues. We will keep you updated as much and as quickly as we can!
Thanks for your patience and understanding,
Athion Development Team
XenPorta 2 PRO
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM