New Profile Posts

  1. wrightrj
    wrightrj sycoinc
    Best use for that song i've ever seen... XD
  2. 14iCBi
    Was hoping to see things improving...
  3. wrightrj
    wrightrj sycoinc
    Do you ever come on the plug anymore? :o
  4. ducky
    ducky Styx
    Does your name stand for anything. ?
    1. Styx
      Nope :P #lateresponse
      Apr 20, 2015
  5. ducky
    ducky TrigaJoules
    We stopped talking after awhile.. I miss you and the cosplay!
    1. TrigaJoules
      Yeah, I'll contact you on skype (how bout we talk in the weekend when you're on? :D)
      Mar 31, 2015
  6. geekgrl5000
    After seeing the ownership change hands, I think I'm pretty much done with Athion.
  7. ducky
    ducky Oh_Senpai
    Notice me.
    1. Oh_Senpai likes this.
  8. ducky
    ducky TrigaJoules
  9. wrightrj
    wrightrj flamin_scotsman
    So Flamin, hows that 46% ginger child of yours?
  10. sycoinc
    Well then....
    1. Stamog likes this.
  11. wrightrj
    wrightrj sycoinc
    teeny bopper songs my foot! XD

    That "Shake it up" song was like my fav song in third grade, few days ago I found it again. Played it like 5 times, now i'm bored of it, back to electro xD
  12. Avaleer
    Hooked On A Feeling
  13. ducky
  14. Ramy
    Ramy sycoinc
    Just wanted to apologize for my previous thread, I should've read the rules before doing anything. I never meant to advertise in any kind and I deleted my thread.
  15. ducky
    ducky Greytopher
    you are such a sassy one,