Separate names with a comma.
Hello there, Today I finished my Apprentice plot and decided to capture some screenshots but unfortunately my Shaders do not work properly. Yet,...
I really am excited to build one, but there's a small redstone circuit for the start of the rollercoaster which I cannot make due to the rules.
Why hello there! As some of you know, I really like to build rollercoasters in Minecraft. This rollercoaster was a project in a Single Player...
Yep, it's on foot. Perhaps walking speed 3 to make it a tad faster. Some shortcuts with jumps to make it more exciting and, most important of all,...
Hello all! On the last creative server I played on, I made a few extremely detailed race track plots (Mario Kart 8 alike). It was a very popular...
I probably am not online during the launch :/ Will be on a few hours later hopefully, I'm really excited :D
That looks simply awesome :) Welcome ThatOldKid ;) Also, I was wondering whether anyone of you know if Nic1010 will be apart of the Staff team?...
Not entirely sure. I could create a theme park since I'm good at that, however it does involve some redstoning. Next to that I have been trying to...
got shot by a chicken, an arrow to the knee and...