Separate names with a comma.
good to know and glad to meet ya Thane, welcome to Athion.
only a 5 letter word shoes :P
me hopping mad?... why would i be mad?... im not mad at anything?
here, i got a challeneg for ya. dont let a single zombie at all kill u through our ur campaign. u can only die by being shot by a skeleton, blown...
oh i thought u wer meaning somthing else. :P
in house? whats in house? :o
i can wait, i have the patience. cuz i undertand what u guys haft to do to make this all work.
xD nice one syc, and idk if i will return to my knights post yet cham :P
man looking at these brings back soo many memories.... ahh the memories and the fun of pwego server life.
hope ur gunna share all those cakes and cookies with ur fellow buddies wrightrj :P (ill take 4 cookies ol buddy :3)
best of luck to ya with ur future squish. hope u see u around.
nah syc is right, there is a good fair amount of ways to finish a plot other than using //naturalize.
i actually really like that idea. i'd be in favore of that. but maybe instaed of a gold border it should be yellow wool, but its a thought, and...
u joined at a very great time. welcome to the server bakedcornbread
For a second I thought I actually saw chamunks saying athion has a dynmap but he didnt and i was just reading to fast. :P
sycoinc always there for the best clarification on server news. and thats why he is boss. :P
whats up
wow thats alotta heads o_O
welp ur dream of building a sci fi city r now possible since alot of changes have happend dalek and lilgeeza.
yup its confirmed triga is a secret agent for athion. xD