Separate names with a comma.
I really like the mobile version xD I will someday use it I promise *I will give you credit don't worry ^^) /)
Yeah it is a real word O.o Sunnycalifornia :D
Is that you on that profile pic of yours??? You aren't ugly that's what i can say to not to be a gay
@Gravenfire45 Sadly I cant use an o 'coz someone already got tonicel (It's a chinaman i think), and because that fact you're banned now!
^^ Yay xD
[IMG] So what do you think of it? I know it's very repetitive but meh. What do you think I can improve? What do you like on it and so. *Psst*...
Oh in that case it isn't a bad idea at all :D /) *This is a BroHoof /) you need to give it back like this (\*
Yeah it is a bad idea but Imagine the last seconds of the timer when they drop down to ZERO! Like new year (10, 9, 8,....2,1,HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!)
@Gravenfire45 was banned for NOT speaking of the rules! :D
Banned all ponies above me for not playing right! (NOT all exactly)
@Brennan was banned for not playing right! (ban the person above you!) The ban hammer has spoken! /)
ROFL Love it xD
Yeah you're probably right.
Fluffy...Its a nice nick xD <33
Yeah I hope we have a great time too ^^ Welcome to :athion main icon: ;) /)
I know that's this is an bad idea but it would be fun to see a countdown that counts down to the release. You know that countdown that was...
@Gravenfire45 is banned because he shrekt @Reuben
Here we for you too ^^ /)
I like the looks of it but are you going to release more? And you should add wheels to them 8How the heck are they going to move them?) It need's...