Separate names with a comma.
Man, I wanted to make a thread first, Whooray for Athion, 1 year old! xD Wonder if it can walk yet? >;3 On a side note, PI's Birthday was on the...
For a while I played 5 years of city league Soccer, however I wasn't very good at it. I played for the fun of it. ^_^ Now I don't want to keep...
I'll probably come on a few hours every day, hopefully others will too! :D
tbh, there's not much differences, they're very similar. Upvotes, Playlists, same way of adding songs, queue system is a lil' different but that's...
Suppose I could start going there now... :o Does anyone else even know about this place? xD PS/EDIT: I'm on now c:
That Dubstep one seems interesting :o
So as most of us know, a while back got shutdown from lack of funds. While sitting here, I'm curious if anyone knows of a similar website...
Welcome to Athion Osoth! <3 Hope you enjoy your time with all the terrib- *cough* amazing people on the server! :D *for those who coulden't...
I think most of everyone who played Minecraft and PI from around the start are starting to leave the game, It's just circle of life... evolution?...
Where is your trash can filled with cans of Soda? :D
Larry the dragon, rofl
How could we not understand? You're doing the right thing, you're a great person for really helping out your parents like that! :)
One of the very rare screenshots saved >;3 2014-03-24
Holy.... Mah boi Marc goin' in clutch with the building!
Plu... Plug.... It's.. It's gone? I need a shoulder to cry on ;-;
Yup, and the potions got banned, rip Invis pots! Also, Movie's Lady Gaga place? :p
Technicaly speaking xD... Syco was a Vip2 and then got promoted to staff for making the website.. I think :p @sycoinc Naru was also a Skilled...
Well well well... Here I am again, making a post about random topics, the general chat seems to be a little bit bare anyways, but here it goes!...
Athion truly has some amazing winners, congratulations to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd! :D Fantastic work guys!
Splendid work! =D