Separate names with a comma.
I agree with @karottenkoenig Perhaps have some sort of graphic on your sails? Something to make them more unique, as now they're just plain white...
Looks nice, perhaps wait to continue on this until we know the main theme of the Athion Spawn (PI had medieval/fantasy for exameple) You can base...
Sure go right ahead :D
Would be nice to have an Athion mascot type skin btw, not? Could be fun.
It was funny for a couple days, but this is getting worse than those ebola jokes. (please let's not start that either btw)
Reilly bites, I can attest to this. Then again some people like that kinda stuff... (I don't)
Builder Student (access to the main worlds) Skilled (/tp) Expert (//size) Superior (w.e.) Elite (more w.e.) Architect (LS) Artisan (VS) Staff (OP)...
Hey, this is a place to showcase your new fancy 1.8 skin (use of the new features of 1.8 is not required) I remember a lot of us on PI were...
Welcome Noddeh :D Looking forward to some more organic/architectural stuff from you :D (and your sexy chocolate voice)
Wait, we talking anime aswell? If so I'd say Aldnoah Zero or Zankyou no terror (terror in resonance) If you're looking for some good action.
I concur with this statement, needs crops untop of crops.
Alright, a small update. [spoiler] Haven't gotten as far as I'd like to, perhaps this is due to the lack of w.e., but then again I feel that the...
Yeah I'm still doubting on the design and color of the road, but I'll experiment with that. Thank you for the suggestion.
Thanks Gro and Lilgeeza, @gro9988 Yeah I'll definitly make some sci fi skyscrapers/public buildings in a more sci fi-ish style, And I'll make a...
I remember you, althought I never heard anything about them unbanning players from PI/Mith for Athion. You sure about that?
Thanks for the feedback, up to this point I only had the partial roof, holo sign and electronic road done, but I do understand that the sci fi is...
You know what, you had me up till Syc's explanation, there were some errors there. :athion main icon: is illuminati.
"ajoyboy has 2 descender letters (j, y, y (letters that go beneath the lines))" I count 3, but then again if you're counting 2 types of descender...
Hey all, in anticipation of the launch of Athion, I thought I'd mess around in an ssp world to see what I could come up with. So this is wat I...
Looks very nice Tonicel Personally I'm not a fan of medieval in general, but you pulled it off very good :D Keep up the good work.