Separate names with a comma.
@dordsor21 You're banned for using a quote on the first page. Wut a nub... (JK bro :D) Still banned, though...
Yes, every show listed thus far is good. I myself hardly watch TV anymore (I used to a lot, but then I just kind of.... meh), but when I do, it's...
u should make a family guy tv or tv show fans topic on general chat @Swifthawk
Your greeting and story strikes a cord within me, friend; during my years of Minecraft (The first two, in fact), I lost my childhood pets. My cat,...
@Nostson Well, I mean, sure, I guess. But even demons and ghouls have standards of living. Come on now...
Guys, I think it's safe to say: This math is beyond mortal comprehension; we should leave it to the likes of gods that are the owners of Athion,...
I think he means that the players jump down into the water from above. If that is the case, then no one has a disadvantage, being that everyone is...
Well, firstly; A +1 to Ellesmera A +1 to a hollow mountain city (Maybe Tronjheim?) A +1 to Rome/Pompeii And a +1 to Winterfell As for myself; A...
... I love how I'm being welcomed by people who joined after me, XD. Just kiddin' peeps, :D
Stand and bask in the luminous glory that is the fruits of other people's accomplishments, namely, not me!
My preferred style is what I've seen be called "High Fantasy" (not sure if that's any different from regular fantasy, but just roll with me here)...
It just occurred to me; WorldEdit would be most definitely be used in this process, and that makes it a LOT more possible than I thought... XD
Sorry about that. Been playing a lot of Civ V, lately. XD ....Aaaaaaand triple post. Wow
Math, bro. Math...
Or, to put "Beautifully written." better: Weepeth thee, at the divine script? Be not ashamed for thine tears, for he hath writ as if the gods...
Hold on, give me a minute.... (stumbles off to Disney World) Yup, his math checks out.
You have my deepest thanks, friend HumanBeing101. Beautifully written.
I like Minecraft... :pompus: