Separate names with a comma.
Well we do a lot of our stuff entirely in house. So it's likely a bit excessive.
Basically just show up. We don't have a refined process for this just yet.
Would you look at that we found a new job for the moderators. Lol
We've been talking for ages about open world. But we delay for good reason.. We really want to do it right the first time. We sincerely apologize...
One day if we add a points system of some kind we might try to do a plot sitting thing that makes highest scoring plots stay closer to spawn.
The Voxel sniper addition was a bit of a social experiment to me. I want to add more features like brushes and masks. As daily vote rewards. I...
Is it possible to grant exceptions on a per thread basis?
We do what we can. Unfortunately Voxel was never really coded to be reigned in as we force it to be. Basically be responsible and courteous to...
The word. You are now obligated by your honor as a member of the knights watch to return to your post.
This was a result of our having way too many backup snapshots of Athion locally. I just got us a heap of more storage for backups so this...
I am going to have to record a tutorial on this soon. I think people will really love this thing when it catches on.
We're going to have plot downloading on contest world's for now.
I don't think that were going to bother with protecting plots since we have the threshold method now.
Did you ever rewrite this? Or did it get buried;)
Maybe @sycoinc can set you up to be able to keep editing this thing.
This is a very good modern build your use of all of the industrial equipment is very well done.
I hope that we can be sure to reject a few there and there.
You answered half the question. Please elaborate.