Separate names with a comma.
@wrightrj wow u live in a dark time..... u r so missing out..
wow u r crazy with walruses..... its so unreal.. o_O
u bet it is
what inspires me to build is looking a stadiums on google and watching sports games. :P
well i will be building a city with 3 others, and then building my own city close by the group build, (not to close but like 200 blocks away) and...
looks to be a statue inside the building?
ah, the very build that started fyrestone eh triga? and wasnt ManAngrAnoMic's nuclear power plant a part of the fyerstone city?
soon as in another month? or as in a week or 3 days from now!? im losing interest here....
*grabs Lol_u_noob and gives him to syc and then runs*
just run MADVIU.. just run and dont look back at syc or reuben... o_O :P
*head explodes from looking at the massive international law book and sycs probs*
I'd be interested to see how u built pompeii volcano
well if that player spams in caps after he gets out of jail time the server consol (or a hidden staff or admin) auto bans him from consol. simple...
... i dont think players would care if they wer in jail classes.. they'ed just probs goof off.. but! placing them in a portal jail just might do...
give bad kids detention on minecraft? lol xD I dont think that would do anything tbh :P
wow mountie if u built that.. it would be a really epic build o_O
well its just stuck in the loading spinning cycle thing liam and idk why though. :/