Triga can I help you build this Victorina-steampunk inspired city? Just like we did before, do you have any screenshots from that city btw?
i just remembered that im also gunna try to build a custom handmade active volcano! and ill probs make ait a cyndercone instead of shield.
Not entirely sure. I could create a theme park since I'm good at that, however it does involve some redstoning. Next to that I have been trying to create some race tracks (Sprinting at /speed walk 5) which were extremely popular on the last server I played on, which is closed. So I might be able to do that. Lastly, if I'm not really pumped to build a recreation area, I will build a modernized city with a big transporting system.
I'm be working on a big sci-fi city colab with @DalekEric With my companys (LSPcorp) Giant HQ tower at the center, I'm planning on something that goes from sea level to build limit, and it will have docks for spaceships jutting out from the sides.
maybe a few pixel dicks - or attempt to make a decent castle with terraforming (i always sucked at terraforming)
I still don't know if this one is really a good idea or maybe just looks messy, but I've planned to build something in a "time travel"-theme with certain areas where you can find certain themes (from Jurassic with some dinousaurs to modern skyscrapers with a huge gothic cathedral in the middle of the plot (if there will be plots))
idk and right now idc bc i got bayonetta1+2 on the wiiu right now!(and im a little pissed that the server will be mostly plot only)
Not too sure on what to make as of yet. If we're given World Edit and Voxel Sniper permissions then probably a rustic village on a mountain, but yeah, still no idea :P